by Truechucknorris @snjegi333

There were giants once on this coast, all the dentala of sivans and doubters, notwithstanding. Not less than four well known cases have been noted of the discovery of the remains of the giant Californians of the Sierra Nevadas, to-wit: First–a skull bone was found in Trinity county in 1856 ; second–there were found in Tuolumae county, in 1860, a thigh bone and a skull of a man twelve feet high; third–there were discovered near Jackson ville, in Southern Oregon, in May, a pair of human jaw bones of the immense breadth of seven inches; and fourth–there were discovered in 1762, near the Misión of Ignacio de Kadakaamán, in latitude twenty eight degrees North, on the Pacific coast of Lower California, the vertebrae, skull, ribs, etc., of a man eleven feet in height, which were fourd by ‘one of the old Jesuit priests.

These accounts, with several others on the human fossils of California and Mexico, as disinterred by the gold miners with their wonder working water michinery, may be found in the ” Notes on the Indians of California,” now in the course of publication in the Farmer of San Francisco.

Such remains of the ancient races ought to be preserved.

The skull or other remains of a giant twelve feet high, is worth its weight in gold, in London or Paris.–S. F. Bulletin

Originally published by Truechucknorris @snjegi333 on Twitter.


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