The Cosmic Egg
by Cloudman176
The Cosmic Egg is one of the most prominent icons in world mythology. It can be found in Egyptian, Babylonian, Polynesian and...
The Torus Field: A Universal Energy Blueprint
The torus field is a fundamental pattern in energy dynamics and geometry that appears across natural, scientific, and spiritual domains. At its core, the torus (plural: tori)...
The Flower of Life: A Universal Symbol of Creation and Connection
The Flower of Life is a geometric figure composed of overlapping circles arranged in a symmetrical, hexagonal pattern. Its beauty lies not only in its aesthetic appeal...
What Percentage of the Human Body is Made up of Water (H20)?
by Hidden Amuraka: Thhrice Greatest
What Perctenage of the Human Body is Made Up of Water (H2O)?
In Males, up to...
The Nine Solfeggio Frequencies
by @MatrixMysteries
The Nine Solfeggio Frequencies "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key...
Christianity Alchemized
by @AmurakaHidden
The Practice of Drinking the Blood (Wine) & Consuming the Body of Christ can be traced back to the Orphic Myths of...
What Exactly is DNA Activation
by VictoriaGoldLight @VictoriaGrishe1
What Exactly is a DNA Activation? At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strand DNA in the cells of the body. Light...
The Old Giants of California
by Truechucknorris @snjegi333
There were giants once on this coast, all the dentala of sivans and doubters, notwithstanding. Not less than four well known...
The Jesus Riddle: Solar God or Pythagorean Allegory?
by Hidden Amuraka: Thrice Greatest @AmurakaHidden
The Greeks, like the Hebrews, created there Alphabet so that Each Letter corresponds to a Numerical Value. By...
The Terminator: A Twitter Deep Dive
by: Ariel@Prolotario1
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the son of Gustav Schwarzenegger who worked under Adolf Hitler high in rank. Guess what his nickname was? The...