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We’ve Known How to Combat Dementia For Years — We’re Just Not Listening

We’re still waiting for that shiny pill to cure us. What if we never find it? by Kylie Fuller When...

How To Heal From Emotional Damage

Our unaddressed pains cause hurt in ourselves and others by Niklas Goke When I was 20, I went to a...

This Is How Your Immune System Reacts to Coronavirus

And what it means for treatment by Dana G. Smith People infected with the novel coronavirus can have markedly different...

If There Was Ever a Time to Activate Your Vagus Nerve, It Is Now

Four simple steps to return to a ‘rest and digest’ state by Ashley Abramson If you experience a racing heartbeat...

Your Body Has a Budget. Overdrafting Makes You Sick.

A new way to think about stress and health by Joseph Fridman You’ve probably been taught that the human body...

How To Flush Negative Emotions From Your Body

Turmoil is when an expression fails to fully, physically materialize. by Brianna Wiest Your emotional backlog is like your email...

Your Brain Processes The World Differently After A Traumatic Event

Emotional trauma changes your brain, but healing is still possible. by Brianna Wiest You might think trauma is in your head,...

What Happens When You Start to Love Yourself First?

by Lynn Reilly “Love yourself. Enough to take the actions required for your happiness. Enough to cut yourself...

Why It’s Imperative to Seek Emotional Help

by Trisha Miller Even long after the emotional or physical abuse has ended, the effects will remain. A single bout of abuse can change...

Life Choices: Mind or Heart, Which One Will You Listen To?

by Toni (Tong) Liu Have you ever gone into something with clashing emotions, your head says yes, but your heart says no?